It can be a constant process keeping ahead of the curve when it comes to training in new treatments to offer my clients. There are so many exciting developments in the field of aesthetics which happen on a regular basis it can be a struggle to decide which new techniques to train in.
I tend to decide based on what my clients are asking for at the current time. Right now, it seems that lots of my female clients are concerned about their lips… and not the ones that are on their face!
I already offer vaginal rejuvenation treatment using PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma). With this treatment, I take a small amount of your own blood and then separate the plasma cells which are injected back into the vaginal area. While this treatment produces fantastic results, it can take up to 3 months to have an effect. Using fillers to achieve the same outcome is a faster way to increase volume and combat dryness.
This is why I spent a couple of days last week training with Vivicy, one of the most renowned companies in the world. My two-day course covered everything I needed to know to help my clients feel happier with the appearance and performance of their vaginas. I thought I’d tell you a bit about what I learned and how this fantastic new treatment can help if you have menopausal symptoms or are concerned about the appearance of your vagina.
Why do patients request this treatment?
There are two main reasons, the first is appearance. As we age, women often find that the outer labia become ‘deflated’ This allows the inner labia to protrude and some women feel this is unattractive.
The second is performance. Menopausal symptoms include dryness, pain or discomfort during intercourse and loss of sensitivity.
I am able to use two different products to address each set of symptoms.
The first product, DESIRIAL® Plus, can be used to restore volume to the labia majora, the outer lips of the vagina making them puffier. In addition, this product can rehydrate the area and improve the tone of the surrounding tissue. In turn this improves the appearence of the vigina and also combats dryness.
The second product, DESIRIAL® is ideal for women suffering from vaginal dryness, vaginal discomfort, irritation to the intimate area and pain during sexual intercourse. Once this product is introduced to the area, the tissues are rehydrated which in turn helps with irritation and pain during sex. The product helps to improve the tone and tension of the tissue which improves the appearance of the vagina too.
What happens during the procedure?
This treatment is quite quick and pretty simple. When you arrive we will have a short consultation so that I can decide which of the products is most suited to your needs. After you’ve filled in your forms, you will be settled comfortably on the treatment couch in my private clinic room. You’ll need to remove your lower clothing, I would suggest wearing loose trousers or a skirt to your appointment.
As always, the comfort of my patients is key. A small amount of local anaesthetic is used before we inject the filler. The models I worked on during my course all reported that the treatment was virtually pain free and it doesn’t take long. You’ll usually be in and out of my clinic within 45 minutes and much of that time is used to fill in the appropriate medical history forms!
What about side effects?
As with any injection, there is a very small risk of infection. However, if you follow the aftercare advice carefully, this risk is greatly minimised. The main ingredient in this product is hyaluronic acid which occurs naturally in the body. This means you are unlikely to experience a reaction to the product itself.
How long is the recovery time?
The recovery time is pretty short. You might feel a little swollen and a bit uncomfortable in the injected area for a day or so and you should plan to wear loose clothing for a few days so as not to disturb the filler.
Can you tell me about the aftercare?
You will need to avoid having sex for seven days and the area should be kept clean and dry until you’re fully healed, usuallly around a week. It’s also important to avoid sports, including activities such as horse riding and cycling for a week after your treatment.
How long do the effects last?
As with any cosmetic treatment, the length of time the effects last can vary. On average, the effects last between 12 to 18 month but this does depend on lifestyle. Clients who participate in sports such as cycling and horse riding are likely to need a top up sooner.
Over-all, I really enjoyed my training course. The team at Vivacy are extremely knowledgeable and offer plenty of ongoing support. It means I have access to the experts whenever I need it which, in turn, means my clients receive the best possible advice and care.
If you’re interested in hearing more about this treatment, you can read further on my website and as always, I am happy to offer a no-obligation face-to-face consultation so please do get in touch.