Are you looking for dermaplaning treatments in the Watford area – we also have clients in nearby Hemel Hempstead and St Albans?
Dermaplaning is a painless, non-invasive deep exfoliating treatment where dead skin is removed from the epidermis (outer layer of skin), as well as vellus hair (peach fuzz) using a surgical blade, giving a more refined, smooth, ‘glowing’ appearance. Benefits include lessening the appearance of acne scarring, sun damage or hyper-pigmentation, and fine lines and wrinkles.
This treatment takes about 30 mins and can be done every 4-6 weeks.

All procedures and treatment plans are fully explained following an in-depth consultation, along with potential side effects and aftercare. To book your free consultation call us on 07824 553 735 or email
You can also now book using our online booking service.